28 jan. 2025; welcome to my life.

Dear diary,

hi again. This is my second entry, however I decided I won’t publish the first one (22/01) since I never finished writing it.

Let me introduce myself again – I’m Ollie, I’m 23 years old and I live in Italy. I write in English to kind of detatch myself and be more objective. My pronouns are they/them and here I will talk about my life, daily struggles, joys and pains. All the names (including mine) are fake for privacy reasons.

These days I’ve had tons of happy moments. I had two uni exams; both went well. Then I threw a birthay party with my dear friend Brian. We were born five days apart in 2002, we celebrated together for the past three years. However, we met five years ago, when he started dating one of my dearest friends, Maria. At first I didn’t like him – I was extremely jealous. As time passed, I learned to appreciate him and now we’re inseparable.

The party was fun; we invited our little friend group, my bf and my sister. We received a lot of gifts, listened to music with my record player, drank beer and wine. Even the after-party was good; me and my bf Jack were finally alone. We had sex. It’s unusual for us, since we both have low libidos. I felt connected to him more than ever.

Diary, I don’t know if I love him. We’ve been dating for a year and this is my first time being in such a long relationship, so I never experienced long-term love. All I know is that I generally feel at ease when he’s around, I like chatting with him and hugging him. I think I’m ok feeling this way.

Today I won’t do much. I’m about to prepare lunch for me and my sister, then I think I will study (third exam is on 14/02). Maybe play my favourite videogame. I feel very good and I hope it will stay like this for a long time.

x, Ollie

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