food diary

This is one of those brilliant ideas for those of us trying to lose weight by grossing ourselves out with the amount we take in every day.

It would work brilliantly if I managed to remember what I’ve eaten on a day-to-day basis. I refuse to believe I only ate 900 calories worth of food in an entire day.  I know me, I would have fainted. But I can’t remember what I had for lunch.

Log in to write a note
January 23, 2008

I love writing about food. I used to keep a log of my food. Partly for calories sake, but partly because I had fun doing it.

February 25, 2008

David’s done that a few times. He gets too obsessed with the numbers though, and it ends up taking up all of his free mind space. RYN: I think that’s why so many people end up divorced. If you can’t discuss who will be in charge of the dishes, and who will take out the trash, then how can you talk about the important stuff? I don’t mind if you add me at all. Hugs, John<P>

March 2, 2008

RYN: If you don’t want to inhale cigarette smoke, you shouldn’t be a waitress in a place that has smoking. It’s that easy.

March 28, 2008

RYN: Yeah, I use it instead of water. Also, since the veggies are frozen, as they thaw there is also some extra water released.

March 28, 2008

Oh, and I don’t use a basket or anything (although I do want a real steamer basket for my wedding) – I just put it in a pan with the liquid…so I guess it’s half steaming, half browning, hehe. Whatever it is, it works; I only keep it on the heat long enough to get warm and tender.

March 31, 2008

RYN: We can put away maybe $50 a month tops. Condos start at $250,000 and houses start at $350,000. In 116 years, we’ll be able to afford the down payment. That’s not sarcastic, I did the math. Hugs, John

April 9, 2008

RYN: Thanks. We’re very excited. Mostly because the new place has a dishwasher. Hugs, John

April 24, 2008

RYN: Boo always looks like an alien. It’s just the way he is. Hugs, John

May 7, 2008

RYN: SCUBA is wonderful. Heh. Oh! I found my next adventure: Spelunking. I hope I can do it sometime sooner rather than later. But SCUBA will cost me about 150 for 2-3 dives. bank death. Oh well that’s what tax returns are for eh? ps. you need to write =)