I’ve been here before. Floating amongst the stars. Endlessly dreaming. I’ve always felt too alien to call earth home. My place is among the stars, far from the daily bullshit of humans. Maybe it’s a mark of narcissism, to think I am above it all. But most of it seems so trivial. I hear people talking and it doesn’t matter. I see people doing and it doesn’t matter. I talk, I do, it doesn’t matter.
And not that I feel the need to be remembered or to leave a lasting mark on someone or something.
I just expected more from humans. I was raised with the impression that we were supreme creatures, top of the food chain, but I discovered we were still a young and naive species fearing shadows in caves, grasping to any semblance of comfort and destroying whatever is misunderstood.
Every part of us comes from stars. We weren’t destined to die in the slums of our own ignorance.