On becoming dangerous Pt. 2
One of the most vile and evil inventions humanity has ever created is our global monetary exchange systems. These systems seek to enslave all peoples by keeping them indebted. After slavery was abolished in the US, people of color were left impoverished, unskilled, and unhoused. So the land-owners, the former people-owners, bartered a deal, indentured servitude- to give food and shelter in exchange for a debt. This debt was meant to be paid off with our labor – the very sweat from our brows, to be bottled, packaged, and resold to us at a premium as our source for vital resources. The exploitation and theft of labor is directed to benefit only the elitist echelons of our societies – the owners, while further diminishing our existence into a hellish game of chasing vital resources that we are no longer allowed to produce ourselves, again, in the name of private profiteering. As long as the concept of money exists, there will always be a price above our heads. I could, should I desire, go out and pay any human any amount of money to have anyone executed. This sinister concept is how poorer peoples were, and still are, convinced to fight wars against each other, while the elites of society sit back and benefit.
We must dismantle global monetary exchange systems so they can never be used to purchase the earth and it’s people ever again. As long as these systems are in place, there will always be a price to be paid for being alive. The earth does not belong to us and it shall not be sold as property. We need to restore stewardship to our native peoples everywhere.
We can restore integrity, dignity, and autonomy for all peoples.
I see a way out and a way forward.
The working class people of the world need to organize and withdraw their labor. We need to show the leaders and countries of the world that we will not stand for things to continue like this.
We will not submit to these laws.