Mardi Gras?

If there is anyone living in New Orleans LA, tell me this. Is Mardi Gras cancelled? I reckon it is. No shit Sherlock right? But I’m pretty sure that some people will try and push the party envelope. They always do. 

I’ve always liked Mardi Gras… even though I’ve never been. 🙂 I’m not much for pancakes though. They are like flat doughy discs that you pour unhealthy amounts of “maple syrup” on… I say that in quotations because the real deal comes from Quebec. IDGAF what you think. TRUTH.

But Passover is coming… 🙂 Hey Jo @jaythesmartone what are you doing for Passover?? Me? Diddly squat… I’m not that religious. 

Right now I’m listening to Bruce Cockburn. I love that fella. I think he went prematurely grey though… or??

I’m curious, sue me.

Our neighbor just started gunning his fucking engine at 5a. Stupid idiot. If you are going, GO!! Don’t just contribute to global warming by doing that!!! That burns me up. Ever gd day. Same time between roughly 4-5-6a. 

Our old neighbors were the best. Doug and Marilyn? Absolutely angelic. No gunning of engines. 

I think I will wait til 5 and then get some apple juice. Crikey. 🙁

Disgusted but ok,

Yours always,


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February 10, 2021

I know nothing about Mardi Gras. It is one of those things that has never appealed to me.

February 10, 2021

@heffay That’s okay hon 🙂 I just like the historcal side of New Orleans…

February 10, 2021

So sorry that you have to listen to this every morning.

February 10, 2021

@kotila It’s crazy Jon! 😮

February 10, 2021

Passover will depend on the restrictions here…so as of right now it’s all up in the air.

February 10, 2021

@jaythesmartone Yeah, that sucks Jo…

February 10, 2021

My son and his family live in Shreveport, LA.  I think they are having a “Mardi Gras Parade” through their house.

Your neighbor sounds like an ass.

February 10, 2021

@novembercirese Nice! 😀 I would love to have a masquerade in our house. 🙂

February 10, 2021

@novembercirese A Grade A arsehat.