Welcome to my Hell…

Hello, Sammy here. That picture is in the heart of Newmarket’s downtown. If you are wondering why I changed usernames. Yandex mail is a terrible service. 🙁 Don’t go there as Aunt Cath used to say… my aunt looks a hell of a lot like Kat <@kaliko>

Aunt is the blonde (obviously if she looks like Kat!!) She has been gone since 2017, bone and lung cancer got her. #cancersucks The woman sitting next to her is Lorraine another cancer victim. She was a good soul.



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January 16, 2021

This new id is going to get some getting use to…you do know I get confused very easily right?

January 16, 2021

@jaythesmartone I know 😈

January 16, 2021

Oh, that weird thing WE have in the US regarding how WE say abowwwwt? Letterkenny addresses this endlessly up to and including asking 3 different Venezuelans where they are from and getting 3 different answers.

Curious what the carfax thing meant.

January 16, 2021

@tunguska LOL!!! Well, since the Aerostar is dying, then Carfax can help.

January 16, 2021

@sleepydormouse ok, now I get it☺ The Aerostar in fact was replaced by a Purple van called Lumpy (which we still have) and a 2019 Dodge which we actually bought from Avis this summer. The irony of not being able to go anywhere is we finally had the money to buy the vehicle we needed for trips we can’t take.

January 17, 2021

@tunguska Lumpy!! I love it! Aww… 🙁

January 16, 2021

it is spooky how much she looks like me in that pic

January 17, 2021

@kaliko Well they say everyone has a doppelganger.

January 17, 2021

@sleepydormouse and mine is related to you!!!

January 17, 2021

@kaliko Ikr??

January 17, 2021

@sleepydormouse so I guess we are cousins!


January 17, 2021

@kaliko XD