Thursday 10th November 2022

Just taking a minute to get on here and breathe. Had my job appraisal today – all is well.  I had a class 3-4 pm and 2 students disappeared without telling me they were leaving. Chris is getting his keys tomorrow. Darren is getting his keys tomorrow too. Hannah is having a clear out – again. More furniture up and downstairs. Julian isn’t allowed anything to eat because he has a colonoscopy on Saturday. Mavis has renewed her library book and her glasses arrived two weeks early. The tiler sent some samples, the plumber sent a quote. Duncan’s bike is a write-off – again, so that was £1500 wasted. Managed to squeeze in one episode of The Crown. I’ll be on the sofa again tonight – I snore apparently. I’ll be back in the spare snore room when Chris goes to his new house tomorrow. Chris has packed the cars. House is a state – again.

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