“The slime”
I believe I’ve become ill again. I’m going to the hospital but people don’t give a shit about our “kind” of people. Junkies, convicts, alcoholics…. They think we are the slime of the earth… But in reality they’re the ones that created us. With their soul completely corrupted with a sickening amount of greed. While we the good hearted people get shit on and thrown away by these greedy, self centered, dishonest, disrespectful, conniving miserable individuals that leave their loved ones on the cold streets so they don’t have to spend money to feed their family. Banish them, judging them just because us “junkies” want to escape reality bc of how these greedy evil people have made “their” imagine destroyed our once beautiful planet. Hell they drove us to drugs. Who wants to be in such a awful place where a mother harms her own child. Or a father won’t give his son a hot meal bc his son wants to numb his pain of having an abusive father. It’s one big contradiction. If you think about it. There is some food for thought. Any comments, concerns,or complaints???? I need feedback people!!!! Lol
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