Is there a word for this?

At work today, I was listening to a co-worker explaining that they were angry at someone, and said things they didn’t mean to say. Their head was cloudy, their mind was not clear, they could not think straight, and they said things that they didn’t mean to say.  The English language is very complex.  I would think that with any event that happens, there would a word to describe it. But, I cannot find a word for this.  Do you know a word that defines “Said Things You Didn’t Mean To Say Because You Were Angry”?

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June 29, 2020

I am thinking maybe this will help answer your question?

June 29, 2020

@jaythesmartone No, it didn’t help.  But, thank you just the same.

June 29, 2020

I’d go with “fuck up” (yeah, that’s two words). If that seems too sassy, faux pas (yes, two words and technically not English!), foot-in-mouth (three words!), blooper, blunder, breach,  error, gaffe, impropriety, misjudgement, mess, offense… etc. Also, “campaign promise”.

June 30, 2020

@thenerve Yes, there are many two word definitions. There doesn’t seem to be a one word definition. So I will choose two words. I will choose angry blunder. It seems fitting. And it does not seem to be associated with any other definition 🙂

Thank you so much for your help 🙂

June 30, 2020

Heat of the moment

June 30, 2020

@kaliko Hmmm, sounds like a title for a Harlequin romance story. 🙂