What Has Become of Pan?

Many years ago, I searched the Gorillaz platform for information about the Talking Heads having been the first to record drums and bass for the first Gorillaz album.  I expected to find people knowledgeable about the music industry.    Instead, I found myself in a playpen with 12 year-olds who believed that the cartoon band was real and who fantasized themselves a being “your basic big-titted barmaid”..  Among others, I found one who had an older persona.  She called herself, “pan”.  It was pan who first suggested that I might seek out a place on Open Diary.  Since that time, I have had many experiences on Open Diary.

I have met and had sushi with an Open Diary member, who moved here from Maui (I shall refer to him as “MJ”, and another who participate in the Scottish Games locally, vending haggis.    The three of us would have burgers at a place on the Sacramento River.   MJ has since moved to southern coastal Oregon.  MJ’s story is sad, and almost impenetrable.  He, and his former wife had two daughters.  The youngest, while living with her mother in (I believe, Utah), died in a motorcycle accident.   Of the reports concerning this occurrence, no information has been put forth by JM.  Yet, JM asks our sympathy regarding the death of his youngest daughter.  There is the matter of his eldest daughter.  She had been the resident of the single-welling dwelling in Sacramento when it was announced that she was moving to San Diego, and would be married there.  It was as this point that JM put that house up for sale, and arranged to move to Southern Coastal Oregon.  To my knowledg, JM was not asked to attend the weddin, nor has he seen either children from than marriage,

Go figgah!!


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