Double Rainbow

" ’cause I understand you, we see eye to eye
like a double rainbow in the sky
and wherever you go so will I
  ’cause a double rainbow is hard to find"

Me and Shane and his brother spent all day together yesterday, and I told Brittany that it was one of the best days I have had in a while. It was an unintentional kind of "hang out be lazy together" day. We woke up, watched a movie together with his brother and their mutual friend who came by, then me and Shane went to the grocery store together, got groceries, came home and cooked dinner for us and his parents. Afterwards they wanted to watch baseball, I fed my flowers, then we all decided to watch a movie, then The Walking Dead was coming on and so we all watched that together. I love being able to be a part of their brotherly bond and I love that I can be so comfortable around his family.

I’ve been blasting the new Katy Perry album all morning while I’ve been cleaning.

The Orchid I rescued is about to bloom. I LOVE watching my plants grow, seeing their leaves reach towards the light, blooming pretty little flowers….
especially when I’m the one who helped it to happen 🙂





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October 28, 2013

Random noter: I feel like I somewhat wrote the same entry.

October 29, 2013

The Walking Dead is sooooooo good. And this last episode! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? I had a feeling that she killed those 2 people, but she was just like “Yeah, I did it. No big.”