a month and two days straight!

I spoke with Shannon on the phone this morning at around 9:30 AM.  She was calling me in transit to one of her house-cleaning jobs.  Her voice makes me happy because when it hits my ears I can feel the teenage me that knew her before get all googly-eyed and giddy and since my brain has basically zero concept of time (I can’t feel the difference between two minutes or two hours anymore, really, it’s…weird).

After that I conferred with mom about all of that and we have to consult my doctor’s appointment stuff to see when I could take a trip down to see Shannon, which she said we’ll do tomorrow morning.

I’m just so grateful to have been laying down the groundwork for all of this by talking to Shannon in some way every single day since November 29th and that we’re both on the same page about where we want ‘us’ to go.  I like being a grown-ass-man.

It’s about effin’ time.

And once again all ’bout building that patience.

Good thing that’s where I’m a Viking.

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