ahhh, I think I know what I’m doing!
I’ve written two other entries this evening in two of my other writing spots on the internet and each one has given me a different insight into how I’m processing my world so I bet a third spotlight shining on all that is Jake can’t be too bad of a thing, eh?
Shannon and I have spoken on the phone every day for the past 55 days, and it’s made me feel so very special. But we’ve also spoken candidly about being damaged by our pasts and that neither of us is super-comfortable letting our guards down again because emotional pain sucks. We are most definitely taking it day-by-day, and not calling anything a spade no matter much it might look like a shovel. Or something.
The point is neither of us really knows how we’ll feel until we’re in the same place again, and we’re both looking forward to my visit in twenty days.
All I can do is keep breathing.