details? not really? I don’t know

I had the follow-up appointment with my new neurologist, Dr. Coiculescu.  She showed us the images of my brain that were taken in the MRI I talked about in a previous entry (so creepily detailed!  it’s insane how far the technology’s come) and there are no concerns of note.  Tumor’s still all kinds of dealt with, my ventricles are oddly-shaped and permanently enlarged but that’s just how I am and they’re being helped by my Cadillac of shunts.


I was given a new set-up for that booster medication (the gabapentin) because I had run out and had to do that making-cinnamon-rolls-in-my-brain thing that tired me out like whoa.  I have enough now to take four a day as a baseline if I wanted to, which should absolutely be enough because I only take three normally so having those extra pills will cover any unforeseen needs (like if I for some reason need a fourth pill because of some extreme emotional event, or am for some other reason in close proximity to Nancy which won’t happen, but still, good to be prepared for the worst, right?).

Dr. C (as she likes to be called) is so very chill.  I like her accent, and I feel like I’m in good care with her expertise.

So now that all of my appointments are out of the way, I’m so very much excited about getting to go down to visit Shannon.  All I have to do now is wait.

And we know I’ve grown the patience for that, right?


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4 weeks ago

I take gabapentin to regulate my mood and calm rushing thoughts. Do you take it as an anti-seizure med?

4 weeks ago

yeah, the damage I endured to both my hippocampus and amygdala have left me prone to two kinds of seizures and the creepier variety (where my reality totally goes out of whack) gets tamped down by the gabapentin and has the added effect of making me feel super-relaxed.  *high-fives*