*grooves to some music for relaxation*

On the phone with Shannon this morning we realized together that it’s just over two weeks until I fly down to see her and she let out a genuinely audible squeal and that’s given me enough happy mojo to feel on top of this crazy-ass world all day long.

I got another chance to “hack” the menu (that’s what us plant-based folks call finding something to order at a restaurant that’s known for traditionally non-plant-based stuff) at this local place called The Shack.  I get a bowl of grits without butter, a cup of fruit, and some dry rye toast with black coffee.  It’s the perfect amount of grub for a breakfast, and I just enjoy being out and about.  And breakfast with my mom was quite the throw-back to my pre-marriage days.

Uhhhh…oh yeah!  Did I tell this space about the technological synergy I “discovered” this morning?  Well, I woke up and remembered that both my PC and my phone are Google-centric devices and I just opened up my Calendar on this PC and saw all of the stuff that I’d put in it on my phone right there.  Like, I know this is nothing new or exciting to people already aware, but I was just so pleasantly surprised and giddy that my phone and computer share a “brain” in that kind of way.

Seriously, I’m so jazzed about all of the devices in my world being in such harmonious synergy!

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