more nuances are developing

We’re all sharing time on this Big, Wet Rock together, right? 

It’s pretty neat. 

Shannon and I have continued our daily communication streak that began on November 29th and is still going strong and we’re even putting together a plan for me to take a trip of me flying down to her for a visit and then us driving to go visit another classmate of ours that’s in a town that’s a pleasantly long (about two-and-a-half hours) drive away from where Shannon lives so we can have a sort of “road trip date” which I think will be a lot of fun.  Those situations make for good conversation, at least from what I learned from listening to my parents talk to each other (well, my mom talk to my dad, mostly, he’s more of a listener) on our road trips out to the midwest.

But yeah, four days of something that isn’t this apartment coming up for me.  That’s exciting.

It’s been so long since I’ve done something with this formulation of entities surrounding me.  Like non-relatives, I mean.  The last time I remember was (since I consider the Aussies I spent ages living/travelling with to have been family at one point) was like the school trip to Washington D.C. back in middle school (which my kid will be going on in the not-too-distant-future) where we took buses down there and stayed in hotel rooms with a group of people that we got to choose for the most part.

I don’t know, like I say, I’m just so very much looking forward to something new.  An experience that will give me a whole different vantage point on what the hell it is that I’m still even doing here alive.

Just surfing my cerebrospinal fluid.

*hangs ten*

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2 weeks ago

We’re all still rocking Billabong on this Big, Wet Rock, yeah?!

2 weeks ago

uh huh!