the Swiss cheese behind my eyes needs assistance

I just got off of the phone with the airline that I’ll be taking when I fly down to see Shannon in one week (!!!).  They were comfirming my request for assistance in getting on and off the plane (getting my bag and just in general navigating the airport) The damage to my brain has left me with basically zero sense of space and time without external aid and I would have so much trouble finding my way around an airport, so every time I’ve flown (except for when I flew with my ex because she was the assistance, I guess) I’ve had somebody whose job it was help me find my way through the process of getting on and off the plane(s) I’ve ridden and it’s made my getting around on this big, wet rock feel like a pretty pleasant thing.

It’s amazing what can be when you’re not afraid to ask for help.

And I love that the help is there to use because it means I get to build a life by getting out into the world again.

I’m just excited about the possibilities that are heading my way with all of this.  I am not bogging myself down with expectations or a desire for a clear path toward anything in particular and instead am just going to go with the flow of it all.

I’m also grateful for the love and support of my mom because even though I’m an almost-42-year-old man she has been all kinds of helpful without hesitation and just wants all great things for me.

Also…I don’t know, I can’t think of what else to say.

Seven days!!!

Oh no, now I want to watch The Ring.  The “lame” American one because I’m lame and I like it better.  For me there’s a special feeling I get when I watch scary stuff during the day, it’s hard to explain in words.  Good news!  I own it on DVD and I just watched it on this computer and I got hat weird middle-of-the-day-creepy-shit-going-on feeling that I was after.  Brain chemicals are so cool.

My Swiss cheese is happy.

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