the window will shine in the light on what’s left for me

I’ve got a playlist of randomness going on YouTube and the song that’s currently playing is Days of the New’s “What’s Left For Me,” hence my title.

Ash is on the couch behind me watching this amusing-as-hell youtuber’s video, and I can hear his amusing English accent but I’m paying attention to my music.  I’ve been into this new-to-me artist named Conan Gray that Ash introduced me to, I think I’ve mentioned him somewhere in my typing all over the place before, but I’m not sure if any of that has been in this diary.  His style is unashamedly poppy, think Darren Hayes (from Savage Garden) mixed with Michael Jackson (that might seem like a lofty comparison, but this kid can write lyrics and sing them well enough to do them justice).

My point is that he can sing a ton and I’m glad to have a kid that enjoys music and doesn’t get all weird when her dad ends up liking something that she likes.  I mean, not that she’d be the kind of kid that would do that, I’m just glad she isn’t, you know?

Shannon’s so cool.  She remembered that Ashley was supposed to be here for the weekend and messaged me letting me know that she knew that and that she would just be messaging me without expecting me to message her back (unless I felt like it or found the time).  Like I’ve pointed out, it’s all so very chill and smile-making.  One month until I fly down to visit with her for a few days.


Jewel still gives me the *warm fuzzies*.

But yeah, it’s going to be so niftily different when I go down to visit Shannon.  I mean, I’ll be seeing a person with whom I shared round-table-space with in my high school cafeteria (and one too-close-for-her-actual-date’s-comfort dance at our prom *swoons-at-the-scent-memory-of-her-hair*) and lots of words over the phone since then (today was the first day since November 29th of last year that we didn’t speak on the phone because she knows I’ve got the child with me).  That feels like quite the streak and seriously makes me happy.

Gah, now it’s Sarah McLachlan’s “World on Fire” video.  This one was one that I’d watch a bajillion times a day back during my brain-surgery-recovery-days and it’s left enough of a mark that I can anticipate what words and figures will be in the frame at a given point in the song.

I’m so glad to still be kickin’!

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