
It seems that I rarely have time to write anything and when I do I don’t really know what to put down. Is it weird to say that I feel like I have to ‘watch what I write’ here?

It’s also strange because one would imagine that with the large amount of stuff I’m doing that I would be overflowing with things to write… but I’m not. I don’t really know where to begin.

Life is so complicated and simple at the same time. In my life there really is a beautiful harmony – not of perfection but of motion.

I feel like I could go ahead and make a list of what I have done, am doing and plan to do… but that it wouldn’t really matter.
Like the importance of it all is in the details and I don’t know where to begin with the details.

I used to write a whole lot more on here and I wonder if I will someday regret not being diligent in writing. We spend most of our lives living moments we will forget.

Anyway. I don’t know where to begin.
Isn’t that always the case?






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