Body Warrior Pledge

The Body Warrior Pledge

Because I understand that my love and respect for my body are metaphors for my love and respect for myself and soul, I pledge:

  • to stop berating my body and to begin celebrating the vessel that I have been given.  I will remember the amazing things my body has given me: the ability to experience the world with a breadth of senses, the ability to perceive and express love, the ability to comfort and sooth, and the ability to fight, provide and care for humanity.
  • to understand that my body is an opportunity, not a scapegoat.
  • to be the primary source of my confidence.  I will not rely on others to define my worth.
  • To let envy dissipate and allow admiration to be a source of compassion by offering compliments to others.
  • to gently but firmly stand up for myself when someone says or does something harmful.
  • to change my inner monologue to one that sees possibility, not problems; potential, not shortcomings; and blessings, not imperfections.
  • to give my body the things that it needs to do its work well – plenty of water, ample movement, stretches, rest, and good nutrition – and to limit or eliminate the things that do not nurture my body.
  • to see exercise as a way to improve my internal health and strength instead of a way to fight or control my body.
  • to understand that my weight is not good or bad.  It is just a number, and I am only good.
  • to love my body and myself today.  I do not have to weigh ten pounds less, have longer hair, or have my degree in my hand to have worth.  I have worth just as I am, and I embrace that power.
  • to recognize my body’s strengths.
  • to no longer put off the things that I wish to experience because I am waiting to do them in a different body.
  • to understand that a body is like a fingerprint: a wonderful embodiment of my uniqueness.

All of these statements will take a good deal of determination for me to embrace. I’ve spent so many years keeping track of all the things that are wrong with me, and wishing I could change them.   I don’t think there is anything wrong with identifying personal weaknesses and working towards changing them, but I do think that I have let my weaknesses and perceived faults define my life for too long.  If I could learn to embrace who I am, celebrate my successes and focus on positivity, I think I could make a long-standing change in my mental health.  I am 39 years old and tired of feeling stuck.  I want to be able to find joy in every day, and to be the best possible parent to my daughter.  She and I both deserve the best of me.

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