sometimes when you win, you lose.

Oh, OD, how much I’ve missed you.

It’s funny how the universe seems to bring things into your life just when you need them the most.  I’ve been needing to write in this, my old friend, for some time now… and couldn’t bring myself to start a new journal elsewhere when so many years of my life had been chronicled here.  I have no idea how or why this site is back, but I thank God that it is, and that my 10+ years of diary entries are still here.

I’ve spent the last few days re-reading every single entry, starting at the beginning (the year 2000!!!) and working my way up to my last entry, which was from 2013.  And I was sort of shocked to see that not much of my internal monologue has changed since I was 16 (which, by the way, was 19 years ago – holy shit, I’m old).

I’ve done a lot of soul searching in the last few months, thanks to Joe’s sudden uncertainty about our marriage.  It seems so odd to me that I’ve never understood certain things about myself until now, after reading this old diary.  As someone who is fascinated by the way the human mind works, I almost can’t wait to delve into all of this bullshit with my therapist to see what she has to say about it.  So many of the exact phrases I wrote here when I was 16, 17, 18, etc. are still on loop in my brain today – what does that mean, I wonder?

More importantly, what does it mean that in my ENTIRE LIFE I’ve never had a relationship with a man who was emotionally available?  Since the age of 16, I have had relationships with, or had feelings for, men who were emotionally distant, or frankly, just not that into me.  The worst part of it all?  I actually married one of them.  And now my life is complicated beyond anything I’ve ever experienced before.  I never even realized this about myself until I read this diary.  And when I was finished, I had this A-ha! moment and suddenly the pattern became clear to me and I am baffled at the fact that I haven’t pieced this together until now.  I’m pretty insightful, so why is it that the most obvious things about ourselves aren’t the most obvious to us?

There have been so many times in the last month that I’ve wanted to call Kristina.  That I’ve yearned for my once best friend to help me through this awful time in my life.  But we haven’t been friends in a very long time and I’ve stopped myself from reaching out every time I’ve felt compelled to do so.  I can’t explain why, suddenly, I’ve felt this pull for her, this need.  As if she would know what I should do about Joe and be the one to magically make this problem go away.  Perhaps what I’m longing for is not really her, but my childhood.  A simpler life.  A time when I was sure of who I was and where I would be going.

Joe has pulled the rug out from under me and now I’m unsure of everything.

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February 23, 2018

Welcome back! I’m so glad that we can be here when you need us 🙂

February 23, 2018

I’ve been feeling the same way reading over my own old entries, I started at OD when I was around 16 too, back in the days of Teen Open Diary actually, I had a few different dairies in the beginning and would often ‘delete’ and start over again. Thankfully in 2005 I stopped that nonsense so I can read entries from there forward, I wish I could go back and read what 16-21year old me wrote about! but I’m still definitely feeling you on the whole “So many of the exact phrases I wrote here when I was 16, 17, 18, etc. are still on loop in my brain today” part.

I’m so sorry to hear things with your husband aren’t good & I’m glad OD has made a comeback to give you somewhere to work through all the difficult thoughts and feelings that come along with all that! It really is nice to have somewhere like this to get it all out and make a bit more sense of things for yourself. x

February 23, 2018

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m also so glad to have OD back. It was crazy to read some stuff I was doing, and I cringed a lot. Haha. But I’m sure I will cringe at what I’m writing now, at a later date.

I think in a marriage, the most important factor is both people need to want to make it work. But of course, each situation is personal. I have gone for the man who didn’t like me enough a lot in life. In my case, I realized I didn’t think I deserved love due to a situation from the past. I think I’ve mostly fixed this, considering I’m married to “the nice guy,” who was my best friend (and friend-zoned) for a while, and suddenly, once I was sort of forced to start focusing on myself and self-care, and taking care of myself, etc, suddenly I felt attracted to a good guy. Go figure. 🙂 It’s like I attracted someone who treats me the way I was treating myself, which was finally good. Not saying we don’t have challenges, but I’m really, truly happy now, and have been really, truly not happy before. I wish you find your happiness, and that you know you deserve to be properly loved, and utterly happy. <3