First Day of School

No, I’m NOT posting a pic of myself in a my first day of school outfit (lmao). Thankfully all the classes I’m taking this semester are online, 3 started today, 1 starts in October, but they all end in December. Looking forward to being done. I think the business class is gonna low key kick my ass, but we’ll see. I’m gonna try to stay focused this whole time. I wish I had done this when I lived alone, a lot fewer distractions that way lol. So….we’ll see how this goes. It sure crept up fast, but at least I got started. So far today, I just did the enrollment verification for all the classes that started today (so i don’t forget to do so before the deadline), and read over all the crap I have to do these next four months. Thankfully it’s a week at a time, tho still scary, considering I’m still gonna be working, so between work, this relationship, and school, I feel my plate will be full. I just knew not to add to many classes to my life, I’d have to see how i can handle what I have, before i decided how to handle spring semester. So I pray this all works out, and that I can at least pass all my classes, if not get as many A’s as possible.

Today is my mother’s bday, I wish I was there to celebrate with her. I plan to call her later today, but I did at least get to text with her this morning, and i posted on her fb a happy bday. I wish she was living here already, I need fam here.

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