Getting closer

So today I decided to go ahead and set up change of address and set up internet. Both set to start/set up on the day I move. I plan on going to the rent office that morning anyway to get my keys lol. Then I decided to go ahead and get the sofa I’ve been looking at, that recently went on sale, since it’s available now and not the 27th of august like it originally said. I was able to pick a delivery date, and the 14th (move in date) was one of the options. I’ll get a call 2 days before with my 4 hour window for my sofa delivery. I hope it comes during the time I’m getting my internet set up (between 11-1). I may have to sit in the empty apt for a little while during the wait for delivery, so I’m gonna bring my laptop to stream movies. I’ll order my bed days prior to move since I can get it with 2 day free shipping lol. I’m almost there, thank God. 3 weeks to go!!

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