I am bored

I cannot wait to start this job, so I can get out the house. I have not worked in a month, and as much as I hated going to that POS job, it did get me out of the house. I have to wait another month before I start my new job lol, and I just need to get away. I think I will treat myself to a movie tomorrow. It’s cheaper if I go alone, and I won’t have distractions. Plus, no one seems to want to go see MIB International with me, and I have yet to catch up with my Indy friends, so I may go alone. I’ve done so before lol. If I didn’t have to work, but had money, I’d just travel lol. I need to get some space between me and my fam cause they sure drive me crazy lol. I still hope to make a trip to NC sometime soon, just cause I need to get away. I won’t be able to go down to get my books around school time, but I can have them shipped here. However, Maybe I’ll squeeze in a trip at the end of July (since my classes won’t start until August). This’ll also lessen the chance of missing too much work if I  were to go once I started. As it is, I cannot miss more than 2 days during the 8 week training period. This means my training won’t end until end of September almost. I doubt all of it is in the classroom, but we shall see. Am I nervous about that, heck yeah, but at least I’ll be making real money. It’ll be easier to save, when I have more coming in, and not as many bills to pay lol.

I will also be starting school in August, this should be fun lol. I need to go on the website and drop a couple of the classes, at least one for now. I may try three again, but I don’t think I can tackle 4 and work. I certainly hope none of them expect me to come to the school to do any exams. I think one of the classes I have does, and that’s the one I wanna drop. I dropped it last time too, but eventually I will take it. Not too many other choices there that don’t require me to take another class to take that one. I don’t wanna take any more classes than I have to lol. One less class, could mean one less book anyway. I can’t do school full time and work, and at this rate it’s gonna take me more than 2 years to finish I think, but I am gonna do my best to take as many as I can. Maybe 2-3 per semester. I hope I don’t go too far past the 2 years to complete, but I have to work cause I have bills. School doesn’t pay the bills, that’s for sure lol. I just hope my sister can leave me alone long enough to do assignments, she talks excessively and it’s so annoying.

In other news, lol, I’m doing a little better. Still trying to deal with the stress of everything going on in my life, and deciding what I need to do to help cope and all that. I have had so much going on this year, that I”m ready for it to be over. Maybe for once things will start going right for me this year, but we shall see. S and I still keep in touch, but it’s definitely not the same. He still sends animated good morning texts. Some say beautiful, my love, or just bears cuddling with hearts and stuff. I don’t really get much interaction. Most of this is due to his jacked up schedule at the bakery he works at. They keep losing people, and then wanting to work the crap out of him, and he also works two jobs. I know he’s hurting financially, the little bit of money I was able to help with isn’t at his disposal. I would hope he’d learn how to budget, sometimes he does, but with groceries. If he could cut out the bullshit such as weed…haha, he’d save a lot. I’m pretty sure that he’s asking more from his parents, but I’d hope that his janky son is stepping up some to help out. I couldn’t watch my parent struggle while I spend all my money foolishly and only do the bare minimum asked of him. His son is supposedly starting school in august. That will be a good thing, maybe it’ll help his shape up. Lord knows his father can’t help, he’s gotten him to live life the way he does, sex and weed. SMH, only difference is S is more responsible lol. Anyway, he still wants me to come back, but I’m in no rush. I do want to move back to NC, but I’m not really 100% clear on the future of this craptastic relationship. He’ll refer to me as his gf sometimes, and I guess that’s ok. He’s free to think what he wants, but he needs to be a man though, for once. My thing is, if this separation was temporary, then why’d he let me move all my things? Hell, I could have just flown here with some things…lol. He’s not very bright, but then again neither am I. I dealt with his bullshit for a long ass time, and I should have just left him alone when he first moved to NC lol. Right now I am just gonna use this time to reflect on some things, and get ready for this job so I can finally have a steady stream of income. Maybe if I get lucky, I can transfer my job to NC. I’d like to not have to deal with finding work again i I can help it. It’s a very stressful process.

I need to  head to the store soon, I’m thinking Ross, to get some new work clothes. I’ll see if mom will be willing to take me by there Sunday, if not I will just take a bus or uber up there and grab a few things, at least enough to get me to my first paycheck so I can get more later. Anyway I am gonna get off this thing and maybe find something else to watch on TV lol. Looking forward to having something to do other than watch TV and snack. I need to get out and get to a gym. Maybe I’ll join Planet Fitness lol.

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