I have an interview tomorrow

So I got a call from one of the grocery stores I’ve applied at. Funny thing is, I applied for their cashier position, but when i called the lady back she said that was filled and that there was a produce and a deli position available. So I went with produce. I’ve done a little help in the dept before in another grocery store. So we shall see. My hours available for this job still work for them, so that’s good. They can do my request of 20-25 hrs. Now I have to get myself ready for it. If I get this job I can make extra money and start saving up to get the hell out of here.

So tomorrow I will write the entry I said I would. S will be at work and I have the day off

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January 3, 2021

what do you mean “IF” you get the job? Don’t you mean “WHEN” you get the job? Positivity always wins right?

January 3, 2021

@jaythesmartone yes it does. I’ll be back to post my success

January 3, 2021

@zombieinfusedtea thank you.