So how’d it go you ask?

LOL today was my interview. I still wished I could have picked a later time, but at the same time at least I had a ride to work and didn’t have to take the bus or an uber there. So mom wanted to leave a bit earlier to avoid traffic. I ended up there about 30 mins early, it sucked but it was ok. I just wish I had brought my sweater lol. Anyway I was a bit nervous, but not nearly as bad as last time with that other job interview I had. Heck, better than some I’ve had in the past. I was more calm this time, and I thank God for that. I asked for that prior to coming to this place. I also asked for my nervousness/anxiety to be toned down enough for me to focus on what I will be asked and to have a solid answer for everything. So after what felt like forever, and after a bunch of other people came in also for the same thing, they finally took us all in. They did it in group form and since they were remodeling the facility, the interviews were conducted in their cafe area. They had so many people there to do the interviews, so they pulled us all one at a time to do them, after which they’d walk them out and come back for another one. I was last, but I was grateful for that lol. Some volunteered to go, but most were called by name. So when they finally got to me a lady came to me, we walked to her table to pick up her questions, and headed to a quiet spot for the interview. I handed her my resume, and the interview began. I found it easy to talk to her and I was a bit more comfy this time, and I was a lot more calm than I was on the phone, or at my last interview at my old job. I had answers for all her questions, and was able to actually feel more confident. They did state that their training is 8 weeks long (damn lol), and that missing up to 2 days during training you get let go, and can’t apply again. That’s a bit harsh I think, but whatever lol. So the trip I had planned to go to NC to get my books will be changed. If i can, I’ll go before training, but I wasn’t gonna give up this job opportunity just to go to NC lol. Maybe I’ll be able to buy them earlier than when classes start, if they list the books needed. I dunno, at best I’d just have to use my own money to buy the books and have them shipped here. I’ll get it back when I get my school refund. Speaking of which, I need to go drop a class or two, so I’m not killing myself lol. Anyway I told them I didn’t have an issue changing my preplanned trip, especially since I had not paid for anything yet. So once all the questions were asked, I asked a few. She handed me a sheet with their benefits, we shook hands and she walked me out. I left there feeling good, and so grateful to God that he answered my prayers to help me through this interview.

I decided to take the bus home, since I was NOT gonna take a $15 uber home just to be there sooner. I knew the ride home would be an hour long, so I had my headphones so I could listen to music. I avoided using my phone much before the interview so I wouldn’t kill the battery lol. So I turned in the temp badge on the way out, and headed to the bus stop. I had to wait almost an hour for that bus because I missed the earlier one due to the interview experience lasting over an hour lol. It was all good though, like I said I had my headphones. Finally the bus showed, and I was along for the 58 minute ride. It didn’t seem like so long, but maybe because I wasn’t watching the clock. I had my music, and I kept track of the stops left before they got to mine. Only thing I wish, is that i had brought my dang sweater. It was cold in the building and on the bus lol. So I think I have a good chance of getting the job, prayerfully I do, but we shall see. Til my confirmation, I’ll be praying. She said I should hear back in a couple weeks, and to make sure to check my emails. Well…I do that often anyway, so it won’t be a problem.  I’ll keep ya updated lol. It was good to get home though, then I could take my hair down and get back in my jammies lol.

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