So I got the job!!!

I know I’m late with an update, but I got the job. Actually I was going to be offered the other job I applied for too, cause they called later that same day that I accepted the one I start Monday. I ended up telling them I was no longer interested, but I felt so bad. I’ve never been offered two at the same time. I took whoever came first. If anything happens, maybe I can try them again in the future. Anyway so once I accepted, got all the “paperwork” signed and all that, and just received my equipment. I had gotten my desk and chair sometime last week and my bf put them together for me. Currently I am using this desk for my laptop until it’s time to set everything up. I am very excited. It’ll be so nice to be home and work. Saves me time and money, especially when it comes to Uber/Lyft and buying lunch. I soo cannot wait to get started. 

As for my old job, I quit…no notice. Trusted the wrong one, and she caused me to lose a day of work because I was supposed to work tomorrow. They took it away from me Tuesday morning before I got to work. Found out from the one person I COULD trust, that they did this because the untrustworthy one told. Funny part is, they left up the next two weeks of schedules. I WAS gonna stay Saturday to help one coworker out since they gave everyone else that day off. She would be closing alone and I was cool with her. Well no shade towards her, it’s the company and their shady mess that made me say Fuck it. Now yes I should have kept my mouth shut, but the fact that she betrayed my trust and all that made me say F the whole company. So I will be “calling in” for those days of the week, if they leave it up, because I most definitely will not be there. What I did tho, was since I knew I had a few hours left of PPTO left, I paid myself for those Tuesday. Today I was already off because I requested this day a month ago, for a hair appointment, and used PPTO for that. So that worked out for me. Somehow more time got added, so I have to leave behind 27 mins but honestly I don’t care. I’m going to be making considerably more money.

During training, I decided I would stay at my second job on the weekends until I see what my official work days and hours will be at my main job (if they change). I’m trying to get out of working 7 days a week, so if I can work something out great. They won’t let me just work one day a week. I like that job, so I was trying to avoid quitting it, I just wanted to try to get at least one day off without having to use my pto or sick time. I figure I can save that money (just send that money strait to savings) while I wait to see what happens after training hours. There is a chance I may have to work on a Saturday (they aren’t open Sundays) so I wanna wait and see. If I have to quit the second job, then I will. This current job offers raises every six months until you cap off, sounds good to me. Basically I’d be making in one job, what it took working two jobs to live in my apt. I’m cool with that. So the second job will just be extra in case of emergencies. It would be a reason to leave the house….lol I just wanna have at least one day a week off. I’m hearing the benefits are great, and it seems like a great company, plus I have been using their internet and cell service for years. I’m so glad for remote jobs, more and more of them came out as a result of the pandemic I guess, but working from home for someone with no car, is great. When I’m on breaks/lunches I don’t have to go anywhere haha. Works for me, lol. When I get my 401K info from my old job, I’ll just roll it over to my new job. Hopefully this time I don’t have to cash it in, cause I really do wanna save for my future. 

I’m looking forward to getting started. 

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