
How do you trust someone when you’ve been hurt so many times by so many other people? I know it’s not fair to treat someone based on your experiences with other people because they may actually be different, but it’s so hard for me to trust people since I have been screwed over in some way, shape, or form by pretty much any/everyone I’ve ever trusted. There’s only a couple of people who haven’t hurt me like that. I want to trust this person that I’ve recently met, but I don’t know how to. I want to believe that he’s a nice and genuine guy and that he wouldn’t purposely hurt me, but I also believed that about everyone else I’ve let get close to me. I just don’t know what to do because I don’t want to completely blow him off or keep him at too far of a distance for too long and ruin something that could have been great for me, but I also don’t want to get hurt again. I tried explaining to a different guy once that I don’t feel like I have a heart anymore, but it’s more like a bunch of broken pieces held together by other pieces that have been turned into mush because they got stomped on.

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July 5, 2010

Difficult question. I think all you can do is just try to take it easy and tell yourself this is a new situation and just keep your eyes open as well as a bit of your heart, and see if things grow from there…