Good morning!

Good morning folks. I just got Detective Pikachu last night. I also have Joker. And a whole lot of other movies. I am getting the Saw movies I think today. I do love my horror. Has anyone here seen Us? I also have the Grindelwald movie.. not sure if that’s a good one but if it isn’t I can always delete it from my HD. 

Oh. Here is an interesting article I found today when I woke up. Food for thought. I have the song ‘Mandy’ by Barry Manilow in my head… :/ IDK how or why.. just like that song I guess.

It’s Christmas Eve and we are having our turkey and fixings today bc my older sister Wendy needs to be somewhere tomorrow and brother Ry is coming in tomorrow. 🙂 Speaking of Ryan, our dog Oliver has Lymes disease. He got it from a tick out in Fairy Lake. We are all devastated but hope for the best. 🙏 for our 🐶?


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December 24, 2019

Fingers crossed for Oliver

@williamthebloody TY 🙁 He is just a year old. He doesn’t need this shit.

December 24, 2019

Poor Oliver. With the right medications, he should be able to live with it. Tick borne infections are no joke, though.


December 24, 2019

I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. I don’t pray, but I’ll keep him in my thoughts.

December 24, 2019

So sorry to hear of Oliver, I will pray for Oliver. Have a wonderful Evening

December 24, 2019

Oh man, you got a lot of movies. I still need to see Joker, I’m going to get it soon. I’ve only seen the first Saw movie. I’m not much a horror fan. I hope that your dog recovers. Poor dog.

@heffay Joker is awesome! 🙂 Joaquin is going to win something for it.

December 24, 2019

I cant watch horror movies. I never could. They gave me nightmares as a kid.

Poor puppy. Sending prayers

December 25, 2019

I’m surprised you know the song Mandy by Barry Manilow.  Do you like Barry Manilow?  I once worked with a girl who loved Barry Manilow.  I’m so sorry Oliver is ill.  I hope he will be okay.

@wildrose_2 Oh yes. Barry Manilow is someone who I used to hate but now I don’t. 🙂 He was too schmaltzy for my tastes. Still is but that song…