Grandbaby #3 has arrived ….

with a full head of hair like her daddy.  I have no details other than a picture ahahahaha but that’s only because it was 3:00 a.m. when I got the message, and my head was still half in dreamland.  Said a prayer of thanks, and waved to D with tears and abit of anger …. ya, I know anger shouldn’t have a place in all this, but he should be here and he isn’t, and that’s just the way it is, and I can still feel upset about it ……. so now I wait to be told she’s ready for visitors, and I can hardly wait to hold her and kiss her tiny nose and listen to the best sound I’ve ever heard …. little tiny baby breaths in my ear <3

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May 7, 2018


May 9, 2018


Thank You!!  Funny how I’ve received more pictures/selfies from my son in two days than I have in the 15 or so years that he’s had a cell phone, AND he’s absolutely beaming!! Very Cool:)

May 7, 2018

Congratulations! So sweet! And bittersweet too without D.


May 9, 2018


Thank You:)  My son was hoping she wouldn’t be born on the day D passed, and she wasn’t ….. she Was born though, on the day we celebrated D’s life three years ago with family and friends.  May 7 is Extra special now, and the bitter has sweetened up considerably since little J came into this world.