It is an interesting time …

in my life right now, and things are happening.  The energy of ‘movement’ is dancing all around me, even in my dreams.  That’s the best description I can give.  It feels like I am on the edge of something Big happening, and it might not be some singular event.  It might just be several smaller events that are all taking place at the same time.  This makes me wonder what’s going on in the sky.  The full moon was two days ago, and I pulled a card from two separate decks, my favourite deck and one from a new deck my sister gave me.  My question … “what do I need to know (about my relationship with John) from the new deck …. and more less the John bit from my favourite deck.  I pulled the same card meaning from both.  They spoke of the future, and that there are people who need/want/should hear what I have to say … this isn’t the first time I have been guided with this information, but two cards from two separate decks?  Pretty powerful message, and as always, I can work with the guidance, work against it, or do nothing at all.  I was just going to type that my usual choice was to do nothing at all, however that’s incorrect.  I have been in prep mode which isn’t doing nothing, it’s methodical and systematic …. getting my poop in a group, and now with a double-nudge, I believe it’s time I step into the next phase … action …. movement ……. and …. well …. let’s see where this energy takes me, or perhaps I should say let’s see where I take this energy ….. After all, this Is a dance:)

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October 26, 2018

Very cool, and definitely sounds like guidance that means something!

November 1, 2018


Thank you, I think so too:)