When I don’t feel like writing …

is exactly when I should write.  My fingers have been poised on the keypad and nothing happens.  My chest is full and something sits in that little soft spot where my collarbone meets just below my throat.  My sponsor way back told me that when I don’t want to pray is when I should, and I have taken that wisdom onto other things in my life, like writing.  Diary entries have been scant, picking away at stories that I’ve started has been non-existent … I even squirrel when I go to the coffeehouse on Saturdays to random-write and end up distracted in the WWW.  When I was talking with S last night, he asked if I’ve been writing, and that’s when it hit me hard that I haven’t been.  Oh sure, I have buckets of excuses, but writing stokes the little flame inside me that lights me up.

I stopped working Wednesdays for my overall health and well being, and at some point after the first few months made a commitment to myself to write every Wednesday morning … more like an appointment than a commitment.  So here I am Wednesday morning, beginning again a routine of writing.  I have a storyboard started that I want to take to completion, have critiqued and edited … and then what?? Maybe that’s the hangup … I write because I want to be heard … I have things to say and stories to tell … but I rarely finish a story or a poem … why??  Fear is the first thing that came to mind of course … good grief wtf is there to be scared of writing??  No …. what is there to be scared of COMPLETION???? Hmmmmm there’s only one way to find out ……

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