So I became a Japanese tutor :)

I was quite busy to prepare for tutoring new students the past few weeks. This is my side job, and I did not know how things go well with my current job and routine, but I have to say that I like it! Since the platform is based on online, students can be from people from all over the world! London, Bangkok, Moscow, Dubai, and Mexico City so far. I hope the number of students increase more and more so my evenings can get busier with “meeting” with enthusiasms from the other side of the world! I think this is one of the best solution for me to mitigate my boring time during this pandemic period….I cannot meet my friends like before, it is kinda depressing to not meet people in general….going to store is alright but you feel slightly unease during the time (of course we all are getting used to it). Surprisingly, demands are high out there….Japanese…WHY? Some are interested in culture, which I notice that the concept of being Japan is kinda booming across the world, they (my friends told me I’m too Americanized….lol) are surely unique in their own entity. Some students want to become English tutors in Japan, they are highly motivated and like to hear their dreams! I hope the situation gets better so they can go to Japan for their dreams. Some are very very young…..7 or 8 years old, and they are Russian. It is challenging for me to keep them in front of the screen, but it has been fun to get engaged with them. This variation of interests definitely takes my time to prepare for each session, but I feel lively now! Woopiiee 🙂

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August 14, 2020

I can’t believe they are that young! But they say that the younger the better…

August 14, 2020

@sunshineandmoonbeams Yes, their parents are quite ambitious for their kids. They have been learning Spanish, Russian, Japanese, and English simultaneously!

August 15, 2020

@teteeugene O_O Color me shocked and impressed!!

August 15, 2020

@sunshineandmoonbeams Me too! Since I’ve been struggling to learn English, I’m very jealous! If you don’t me asking, do you have children? If you do, do you have any tips to teach young souls language?


August 15, 2020

@teteeugene No kids but I did raise my nephew. Patience and kindness is key.

August 15, 2020

@sunshineandmoonbeams I see. Thank you for sharing your experience with me 🙂


August 16, 2020

@teteeugene And enjoy yourself… if they see you happy and relaxed they will be too!