Yeah…I said what I said…😈🖤

Hey Beautiful Disasters…

This is my rant for the day…just my thoughts and opinion…

I understand some of you out there are still doin’ your own thing…even though the government and president tells you to stay home…I get it…almost all of them lie…so why believe them now??? Right??? But when a woman in the hospital who is 28 weeks pregnant is fightin’ for her life and her babies life cryin’ askin’ you to believe her that shit is real…BELIEVE THAT WOMAN…when your neighbor or a family member a friend or even a random person on social media hits your timeline askin’ you to please stay home cause shit is real…BELIEVE THEM…when someone tells you bodies are droppin’ so quickly they have to have refrigerated Simi trucks outside a hospital just to have more room for all the dead bodies…and when an infant dies…BELIEVE THEM…BELIEVE THAT…I know it’s hard to believe the government at times…but there are still good people left in this world and we’re losin’ them more and more everyday…so please listen to those voices and stay the fuck home…I can promise you they’re not liars and they’re not out to get you…they’re just like you tryin’ to survive all this madness…more people will survive if we all stay mindful of others and do as much as we can to help…even if it’s somethin’ as simple as stayin’ the fuck home…if you absolutely have to go out just be cautious and take the proper measures when doin’ so…I usually don’t rant much but for people like myself who never go anywhere anyways…personally this hasn’t effected or changed my everyday life much…but I know it has changed for a lot of you and your goin’ crazy out of your mind…and I know that has to be hard…and a bit of an adjustment…and a lot of you have to adapt to different things…just be thankful for what you got goin’ on at home…some people don’t even have that…this shit doesn’t discriminate…it can hit you and your own quicker than the time it takes to wash your hands…that’s how fast this shit moves…so before you go out cause you “want” to or your “bored” or this shit is just not that serious to you…think of all those dyin’ around the world who don’t or didn’t want to but had no choice but to…



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March 30, 2020

I agree 100%. It hasn’t really affected my life too much either as I’m usually home unless I run to a doctor’s appt or go to the store for groceries or other needs. The only way it truly has affected me is that I usually go have tea with my mom each morning for a few hours but she’s sick with possible Covid symptoms so I’m stuck home for at least 14 days. My son thinks it’s blown out of proportion and is our government’s way of screwing with us again but then again he believes in a lot of conspiracies, SMH! Stay home and stay safe!

March 30, 2020

If it was just the government I might believe that too…but too many people are dyin’…and too many people are affected by this…I hope for the best for your mother and pray everythin’ ends up ok with her and your family…Stay safe!!!

A Beautiful Disaster…
