OD Cares – Breast Cancer Awareness

Hello everybody,

If you haven’t read my previous entry about the resuscitation of OD Cares, please do. Response so far has been very positive, so I am going to try (with your help) to highlight a cause once a week.

This week’s cause for OD Cares is Breast Cancer Awareness. If you’re interested in finding out more or lending your support, please visit.


The DiaryMaster

Log in to write a note

It gets kinda annoying when people RC the OD Cares entries, but people still need to see them, right? Why not link to the latest one on the OD home page and turn the RC function off?

Just wanted to let you know it’s also Down Syndrome Awareness month. My little girl has Down Syndrome so it’s also an important thing for me. We are trying to raise awareness and acceptance…ect. Thanks.

Thank you for the note…I’m very pleased w/ the positive response I’ve received regarding my diary. I’ve only received 2 or 3 notes from idiots. 😉

I have a question — why can’t I use all my fonts when writing an entry? I know of others who are having this problem and have to stick to only a few.

Thanks so much for responding to my problem report. Glad to know that the authority really does care about the content of the whole opendiary site. 🙂

i left a note over there but will leave it here too. i sent an email with a link to an odmail addy i had in my address book. it is a link where you click a pink ribbon and it gives money towards mammograms for low income women. takes 2 seconds and costs you nothing. i would appreciate if you could add that. Thanks!

I tried spell checker which I normally dont use, but I wanted to see what would happen. I was wondering how long it takes for it to work because it seems it don’t work for me. It says loading please wait and when I do nothing happens.

for the LOVE OF GOD, what is your email address so I can complain about you making me pay $18 for one month of OD plus!!!

This month is also domestic abuse awarness month =)

I would love to lend support, but I’m a little low on fundage. Perhaps you could take the extra money from all the people who resubscribed a week prior to the big OD 4.0 change (those of us who paid $20 when the next week everyone else only had to pay) $12 and donate that to this week’s cause. At least it’d be going to good use!!

Hi there Mr DM. I have a suggestion. I know a few people at least around OD who would love this feature. Sometimes when there are a series of private notes left by a person, they forget to privatise one note. Would you enable the diarist to make private any note left in their diary? I’ve been asked a couple of times to do this but all I can think of is copying it under my own name in my diary.

Thanks for posting this – it’s a worthwhile cause. My mum had this illness and died from secondary breast cancer. All causes are worthwhile though…so keep up the good work!

Breast Cancer is not only for Woman……SO MEN watch out and also check yourself. I know you don’t have much there which makes it even worse. Beleive me my Father got it so please be careful and check yourself also.

I jus wanna let you know that I am totally for finding a better way to cure cancer..my mom had it twice, a friend of the family died from it, and I am also at risk, but later on though. I hope that someday we can get rid of cancer all together..not just brest cancer. -Becca