I finally found her

My Family!


She who makes my heart ing, just from a simple glance. Who makes my blood boil, just from the touch of her fingertips. Who makes me THROB just by being close to me. She who respects my decision to wait……while stlll letting me know that it won’t be easy because she wants me desperately. She who actually shares my goals and values, who wants the same thing in her future as I do. She who wants a wife and lover, who loves to cuddle each other to sleep. who, when i turn away in the middle of the night, will cuddle right back up against me, and snuggle back to sleep. she who admires my mind and my heart, who has a precious and amazing soul……She who knows what she wants….and its me.

She who i am fast falling completely irrevocably in love with…..and enjoying EVERY moment.








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