9/11 Stories

I’m not going to tell you mine.

I will say I spent 10 years of my life trying to make sure it didn’t happen again. There was a physical and emotional toll. I walked away on my own terms. I believed in the work. People don’t understand a lot of what happens and the why behind the measures it takes to keep the public safe. I’m past the belief that they need to be relieved of their ignorance. If you don’t know why all that was important. If you have the freedom to whine and act ignorant when someone is trying to protect you maybe we all did our job.

I will say I mourn the fact that in less than 20 years we have forgotten who we were when that happened. Everybody says “Never Forget” but we have forgotten. There are times when we stood up in unity. Now the threat is real and even bigger than what happened on that day and we fuss, fight, destroy and kill each other (while trolls stand on the sidelines and egg us on) and well, shame on us all.

I still believe there is more good in the world than bad. It’s just so quiet, quiet like the skies were after I shut off the tv and went outside on an otherwise beautiful day. That gorgeous and awful day.

I will say that helping make the world a better place is a million small and loving acts, including understanding when people do ugly stupid things that most people don’t, that most people are trying to get it right. Sometimes there are choices to do things that don’t sit well with you which further the good in the world. It’s not glamorous. It doesn’t make you win the short term argument with dullards. It’s just necessary. If you put your shoulder to that task, more people than you know understand what it cost you.

Thank you.

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September 11, 2020

Thank YOU. I needed this today. My youngest son was 3 months old when it happened. I sat staring and wondering what sort of horrors had been unleashed and would be unleashed. Hate begets hate. I promised him I would love… and work to understand. Thank you for writing this.

“In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.”

Anne Frank

September 11, 2020

Yes, let’s do small things to others but let’s NOT count how much we have done to others, it’s just worth it to encounter their joys through you 🙂

September 11, 2020

the bad apples make a lot more noise that is for sure. some people can’t understand things outside of their immediate circumstances. I think we have to realize some people will never understand things.

September 11, 2020

hard to believe it was 19 years ago… I vividly remember

September 11, 2020

I’m not even sure what to say. I was relatively young then. I’ll probably post my story later today. I believe there is good, but we need to fight for it.

September 11, 2020

I will never forget. I will never forget the scream of agony as it unfolded. I will never forget being brought to my knees waiting for a phone call to come. I will never forget picking up my 6 year old son and trying to explain that hate was why this happened. I will never forget who I was, who I am and the man I raised my son to be after that fateful day. Nope, I will never forget.

September 11, 2020

I try to remember how galvanized we all were; athletes running on to their fields where they play holding the flag high.  Crying as “God Bless the USA” played on the radio.  I think you’re right.  People remember where they were but have forgotten September 12th.

September 11, 2020

Thank you for sharing this and thank you for all you do. That day crushed almost every American.  There is more good in the world. I was so scared that day that war had come to our soil. I really didnt think many Americans would be able to handle a war on our land. Many are spoiled and never dealt with something so horrid. It changed me

September 11, 2020

I think since this disaster happens the world has never been the same and  everyone hates everyone else and there is no end in sight.

I remember asking why this had to happen and what did the Americans do that was so bad to kill so many?  It’s not only the Americans that were in those buildings but others from all over the world and their life has changed for ever. I just wish everyone would just be nice and play nice.

Be kind, Be calm and Be safe is the new motto here in Canada.

September 12, 2020

I remember the clear blue sky, not a plane in sight that day, too.

Thank you for sharing this.

September 12, 2020

I absolutely believe there is more good in the world.

Thanks for your request I accepted it. I love making new friends i look forward to getting to know you better 🙂