Got to Steppin

15 years at the lake and I know no one. I’ve always been doing other’s bidding and never really enjoyed what I was working for. Yesterday it was overcast and after I cleaned my car and played the dutiful daughter with Dad I stopped and finally took the long walk down to the campground across the river (yeah, it’s a river AND a lake – everything in this neck of the woods is a 2 for 1 special) and I walked over 4 miles.

Earlier in the week I made several trips to the fancy folks park I’m now a member of. We sprung for the fees this year because It’s a 3 mile round trip up the road and I get a covered place to write and watch the goslings. Yes there is another “member’s only” right out my front door to which Hubbin was once the president several times (when he had time for such) but we looked at the lawsuit ready shambles of the place and decided we could travel just a little further to let someone who’s got their S#&! together worry the big details. So far cost per use $63. I have a year to whittle that down.

Each day my physical state gets just a sliver bit closer to better. I feel like I’m dying but I start to think the pain is just in my head. Maybe it’d be better if my prescriptions hadn’t run out over the weekend. Its not even “good drugs” just stuff that keeps my epic heartburn at bay, but for some reason they think the stuff is good till June – well I’m out and the pharmacist says I’m out so what the hell happened?

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