Now where was I?

Oh, I was so excited when OD reappeared and then I had some excessive sad and left work and got busy.

My father died. It’s not like I didn’t see it on the horizon but he just kept fooling me so by the time it really happened I was still in the mindset of this was a long haul thing.

Then I got up one day in September expecting to do the things I always had to do and there weren’t any.

Then the litany of one more thingyness that was my father had staying power.

I had cancelled my plans to go to Wyoming because he was supposed to go into hospice. Then he didn’t hang around and I had nowhere to go. I finally at the suggestion of Hubbin took one of my service humans and ran off to the beach where I got really sick and didn’t un sick until nearly Christmas.

I wrote a novel or exactly 50K words = to half a novel and that helped.

Now I’ve started recording videos of stuff apparently I need to say that no one I know listens to and decided to start using the voids while I wait for them to upload for writing OD again. No you can’t see. Well, only if you stumble bumble onto it by accident and even then you won’t know it was me. The old gmail acct wouldn’t let me have my real name, and who the hell is anybody really on the internet? So I’m really just talking to myself but I get to see it from the outside like a stranger.

I set a goal, probably a very unrealistic deadline for filling the year, just one year with the little videos. The learning curve is unreal. It takes hours to put out even 10 minutes. I’ll learn. I’ll get better.


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January 24, 2019

I think it’s good to just get the words and feelings out, whether anybody out there is listening or not. Those sorts of things aren’t meant to stay on the inside or it’ll drive you crazy eventually, so keep doing those videos and writing these entries until maybe one day it will all start to make sense

January 24, 2019

It’s good to see you here, sorry to hear about your father – that is a very hard thing.