Damn dog.

I know, I know….I’m terrible at updating. I have to write from my phone and the thoughts flow faster than I can type on here so it just gets aggravating.

I’ve been living with Matt since mid March so about a month and a half now. Yes, the drive sucks…some days more than others, but its not taking as much as a toll on me as I had expected. Things with Matt and I are better than ever. Were just perfect together. Spent the entire weekend sans 4 yr old. Went to a tattoo convention in Wilmington. We had a blast. No new ink, unfortunately, but I did get three new piercings in the flat of my right ear. I love them.

The puppy is huge already and a giant pain in my ass lately. Since last week she’s started digging out of her cage while we’re at work. Luckily the neighbor keeps putting her back in but we live on a busy road and I’m afraid she’ll get hit. Matts tried to fix it but she still keeps getting out. Its aggravating.

Work is…work. good day and bad days. Will actually manage to get a bonus this quarter so that’s always good.

My sister is going to come visit at some point this next month. Hesitant to say the least…it’ll be Matt’s first time meeting her and….well she’s a bit hard to swallow.

Meh. We’ll see.

Anywho…I’m tired of writing on here already so laters…

P.S. sorry for being a terrible noter.

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