Shadow born at the confluence of worlds…

Well what can I say these days? I’m pretty fed up of all the boringness that has suddenly taken over the world.

NEVER before have I been so god damned bored of life and general rigmarol. Steve and Rik and one or two other people keep the damned thing exciting. But other than that there is nothing. No one seems to have a lust for anything anymore. They all seem content to just sit at home and watch the television and have "quiet meals" with their other halves or family.


Even the almighty lord that be, the Almighty RogaN has taken to staying in with his other half instead of coming out and having a laugh with people! Why are they all becoming so boring? Is it just that I’m single and have very repressed sexual requirements? repressed? I mean unfulfilled…

That could just be it. I’m feeling the need for the excitement cos I have hormones flying around the place… who knows?

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