You cannot escape what I bring about…

 Life is getting to me a lot recently.

It never used to, I used to be incredibly laid back and cheerful but recently things have just been draining all the happiness from me.

Work is a main aim of this. Not so long ago we got a new RGM (Restaurant General Manager) and I decided to try to be nice to him. I did all within my power over several months to get this outsider to warm to me and possibly keep my hours at a decent level. No. It didn’t work and hasn’t to this day. I tried so hard just to make sure I could afford to live and every effort was thwarted. Even now, when he is leaving soon, he keeps my hours at a ridiculously low level to spite me. If I could I would seriously tear him to shreds and use him to top pizzas. Not only does he say he can’t afford to give me more hours but he then also cuts other peoples hours and hires NEW staff! This is what really gets to me, the hiring of new staff. He hired a new assistant manager which in turn reduced the managerial hours for the support managers, one of which is now taking up valuable hours in the kitchen! Which could easily have been hours for me!

Not only that… but people are becoming very two-faced, ignorant and stupid. I, myself, am not innocent of this crime but I do not do it to the extent that everyone else has done it.

I have thusly been stuck within the dull walls of my own home, slowly drifting in and out of insanity as my mind gives way to the monotony and mind murdering boredom that I suffer.

On top of that the woman I am in love with is engaged… to someone else. She expected me to be happy for her and when I wasn’t she indirectly started an argument that has in turn, torn us apart even as friends. She claimed she was nothing like Hazel and she was right. Hazel was never this bad. Hazel awoke the horrible rage and darkness in my soul but this person has been feeding it, strengthening it since the day I met her. Even now, with all that has happened, she doesn’t understand. She doesn’t grasp why I am feel this way. It’s disgustingly naive.

For now that is all the ranting I’m going to do as I am trying to maintain my cheery disposition.

Thanks for reading.

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