Debrune Teral’n please…

Debrune Teral’n is an ancient Romulan trident that is the size of a polearm or a ceremonial mace. It has four sharp blades that spring out of the polearm, giving it a trident-like look when activated. It was regarded by most Romulan Praetors as the greatest symbol of Romulus and as a symbol of their authority over the Romulan people. In 2387, in the late 24th Century, soon after the very catastrophic destruction of the planets Romulus and Remus by the Hobus star or Romulan sun that went supernova, the Romulan Praetor at the time, named Chulan, was killed by a Debrune Teral’n that was used by the mad Romulan miner named Nero aboard the Romulan mining ship Narada after he and the rest of the surviving members of the Romulan Senate were rescued by Nero and his crew. Truly, a very formidable weapon, especially in times of darkness and despair.


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