Green light/red hydrant

Ah, I guess I’ve figured out how to make pictures big – call them Featured Images.  This of course is not a recent picture.  It’s from last summer and it’s a little popout park along the street in downtown Lacrosse.


Not a lot going on today.  As soon as I finish here – and by here I mean, as soon as I call this entry complete – I’m going to replant my tomatoes.  They are ready for it.  I plan to put one (or maybe two of the smaller ones) into their own individual Styrofoam cups.  I have plenty of growing medium and I think they will be happy.  At least I will be giving them a chance.  I might do something with the kale and lettuce that I planted on a whim.  They are too big for anything practical now and this again is about giving them a change to stay alive.  I’m looking for more of the cone flowers – there are three so far – but they have a ways to go before they can be transplanted.

It’s still cold and gray here.  We had a little rain overnight but not enough to matter.

Kids made it home to the Cities at 3 am – from Colorado Springs.  We have a Hans transfer planned for Tuesday at a point half way between.  He’s had a good time, I hope.  He stays in the house more than Gracie does.  If I went out more he would too.  Still he gets a lot of freedom here and I think it’s a good place for him.  It’s quite a bit cheaper than kenneling, for sure.  He’s at my feet right now, after barking quietly through the window at something outside.  Hans is a quiet barker and has pretty much no bad habits.  Except he gets gassy at times.

My cousin who lives close by but whom I’m not very close to died yesterday of cancer.  He was relatively young and had a good retirement ahead of himself and it’s really quite sad.

I regret making Hans a bigger story than my cousin.  That is very unfair and even stupid.  I have more I could write about him.  He was very loved and important and tall and had a good voice.  The cousin, though a lot of that applies to Hans.

I better quit now before this all gets worse.


Happy Easter again and always to you all.

Wish me and the tomatoes luck.





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March 31, 2018

You always make me smile.  Im sorry about the cousin.  Im happy Hans had a good stay with Grandma.  Bless the creatures for they make the Earth worth inhabiting.

March 31, 2018

Writing in the moment means things happening in the moment are reflected on the page, and that’s ok, which has no relationship to which things are important to write about.  I saw the picture, admired it on the entry page and wondered how spring had reached that point there–Oh..then, it hasn’t, ok then: my mind went in that direction afterwards.  Take care.  You’ll reflect on your cousin for the rest of your life in small ways I’d imagine.


March 31, 2018

Good luck with the tomatoes! Happy Easter. That’s sad news about your cousin. 😟

March 31, 2018

I always enjoy home grown tomatoes.  Wish I had some!  My sister and I do the meet at the halfway point.  Hans sounds like a joy and I’m very sorry for the loss of your cousin.  Oh, it’s true when you pick featured image, the photo view is larger but in addition to that your photo is “featured” on the front diary page.  Take a look if you haven’t already.

April 1, 2018

Beautiful photos as your featured image. Good luck with the tomatoes. Birds always get to mine right as they are about to be ripe enough to eat!

April 1, 2018

@altair You’re right.  I’m never sure what the point of gardening is.  You either fail or you have too much, all ready at the same time.  I haven’t gardened in a long time.  And am not sure I’ll get much done this year either, but it’s an attempt.

April 1, 2018

Post some pictures of the fields around your home again…I miss those pics

April 2, 2018

I liked it. I am sorry about your cousin. Were he laying at your feet, I warrant he’d have scored first paragraph. No guilt.