made for tv dreams

I dream, a lot. My spouse says he rarely dreams, and when he does, it’s usually nightmares. Unpack that one, Dr. Phil. Anyway, I dream, and usually when I wake up, I’ll remember bits. Sometimes, I’ll remember a lot and those dreams stay with me for quite a while.  Last night was one of those dreams.   Last night’s dream was like some pitiful excerpt from The Vampire Diaries. I was like a vampire, and so was my son and daughter. We were supposed to be rounding up people but we dodged the assignment and avoided everyone and everything.  Each of us were doing different things in my dream and we only connected together at the end of the evening. The bad guy was my step-father and we all avoided him as much as possible.  In my dream, this step-father was not someone I knew. Throughout the day, I would think about this dream because it seemed so random. I don’t always have family members in my dreams. And many times, when I dream, I am not myself, but someone else. And when there are animals, they can talk.  But I think the reason the dream was so strange is I took an Advil PM because I had slightly twisted my back and was having a hard time falling asleep. So I blame the odd storyline on the pain reliever. My back is fine, but maybe I should turn my dream into a short story.

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June 7, 2022

Dreams are weird.  I remember mine often, but only for the first hour or so after waking up. You should write them down, keep a dream diary.

June 8, 2022

That seems pretty random.  I defer to dreammoods dot com.  I kept a dream diary for a full 6mos or so.  I found that I repeat many of the same dreams over and over.

July 14, 2022

@tracker There are things I dream of a lot, too.  For some reason I dream about swimming pools a lot…usually above ground ones.  In these dreams I am usually either trying to get the pool clean or trying to keep the water from coming out of the pool…just weird.

July 14, 2022

I love dreams and have in the past been very good at interpreting them.  I seem to have lost that skill, though.  I dream every night and can usually remember them pretty good after I wake up.  Do you dream every night?

July 14, 2022

@happyathome – I do dream almost every night. But I don’t always remember everything.