The game’s afoot

Still on the hunt to find out why my grandfather changed his name.  No one in the immediate family knows.  My father’s girlfriend once told me my grandfather killed someone so he changed his name and ran away.  I don’t know how or where she got her information.  People who spread rumors or just plain lie will never offer any definitive proof.  But anything’s possible.  I did learn my grandfather had family in California, but no one ever met any of them.  But I may have a potential resource on locating more info.  what’s that old saying – the game’s afoot.    Shakespeare – Henry V – Act 3 Scene 1,

“…. see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game’s afoot:”

Out of context, I suppose.  It’s not a battle I’m facing.  Just research.  Still, we all love a good phrase.


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June 15, 2021

I hope your source pays off.  If so or if not, “It’s not the Destination, it’s the journey”.  (Ralph Waldo Emerson)  🙂