What the h????

OMG. I just asked Copilot to draw ‘the end times’ and this is what they (?) came up with. What the ever living eff????
So, I am just conversing with Pinky… she wakes up early too. She just left to give her room-mates charger back to her. I am just sitting alone atm, I am drinking water bc I feel parched. On Friday Julz, Bees and I are going to Tim’s. I am getting a phone call from the Diabetes clinic on Monday and I will give them my phone #. @heffay I will give you my # in a dm bc, well… privacy? 😉
I think that Maman will get up soon… so I will play the Sims now bc, I haven’t in awhile.
I hope the end times look like that
@bronner LOL!!!! XD
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