Hey there…

One of the residents here where I live is making my life a living hell. C wants me gone, OBVIOUSLY… she has had a problem with me the first time we met… you can say that she is a female dog… (people I know read this)

I’m watching Stranger Things on Netflix. I love it.

Anyways, not much is up. I still have to do my computer maintenance. I will do that later, bc right now I’m in a crappy mood.


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January 2, 2021

Do I need to come knee cap C, or what? lol.

January 2, 2021

There is that lil sayingĀ  If there is A person that hates you for no particular reason then there must be something they really like or envy about you.. They probably don’t even know it themselves….Ā  Long as you know you’ve never done something to make them this way then I’d say the air needs to be cleared an just find out what it truly is that’s going on with’em.. You’ll find out it is actually very easy to get someone like that to open up lol their actually waiting to burst out about it haha So whenever you think you can handle it and get an ear full Just ask Her. Or just let her fester either way lol

@trueblood765 I will let her fester. She is NOT worth it. šŸ™‚ Thank you @trueblood765 Do you like True Blood? I like Bill. šŸ˜€

January 2, 2021

@zombieinfusedtea lol yeah I do~ It actually took me almost a year or 2 to watch it though.Ā  My Real name is Trueblood šŸ™‚ So Every time my name was Mentioned People was Like ah I love that show! Finally I said hell with it an watched it. Ended up being really Good šŸ™‚

@trueblood765 Really? Neat! šŸ™‚

January 2, 2021

Why is the guy from ST doing a bloody Taco Bell ad? So dumb BTW he would have been way better in the twilight movies just say’in lol

@mermycohea Who knows Mermy… ?