I’m up again…

So, today Julz moves in. I want her to sit down, bc I fear she might faint when I tell her the news!! 😀 I am going to wait til she is downstairs which will be within an hour.
I am listening to “Blue Bayou” by Roy Orbison… I heard David Cassidy and the rest of the Partridge fam singing “I think I love you” awhile ago..
@sleepygene This is Chalet OS. It’s a Linux distro. And yes, I’m back to that again.
I am going to keep drinking lemon water. 🙂 I am staying away from the breads… pasta is going to be very hard to curb but I can do it. I have to do it for my family. They are worried about me… so, lots of veg and fruit and ordering out once per month bc that’s what Angelique my nurse put forth and that’s what it is.
I broke my nail just a second ago. Very annoying.
So, what’s new you lovely people you?
Maybe take a picture of the reaction? I think that would be really cool….
@jaythesmartone I forgot to but she was very happy!
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Oh, I hope she doesn’t faint when you give her the news. I’d love to see her reaction.
@kotila She was like 😮 🙂 😀
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Yay!!! I’m excited for you!
@catholicchristian Yay!! 😀
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I feel they should let everyone pick who they want as a room mate
@kaliko Julz is the best roomie I could ask for.
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That’s great that Jules is going to be moving in with you :).
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