
Julz is going to cry in tears of joy tomorrow morning, bc Wendy got Dave to move Bola-bat upstairs. So, I have a new room-mate!!!!!! 😄

I can’t wait to see her reaction. 😆😆😆😆

My computer has Ubuntu. But not for long, bc I will install ChaletOS. Makes me think of chalet sauce from Swiss Chalet…. Lol!!!!!!!

Speaking of that, I used to drink that stuff, still do..  😍 I used to drink the sauce from St. Hubert’s. That shit is delicious!!! But St. Hubert’s is no more… Bees got  food poisoning from their 🐔.

So my loves, how goes it?  🙂

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December 15, 2020

good news


@kaliko Excellent news Kat!!!! 🙂

December 15, 2020

so this is a new toy? I not sure I ever had one unless it’s the paddle with the balls you bounce?  Enjoy your new toy….

@jaythesmartone Chalet OS is an operating system. 😛

December 15, 2020

I hate food poisoning I won’t eat Bake potato soup anymore cause of that! Congrats on the new roomie!

@mermycohea Mermy dear, what is bake potato soup? And ty 🙂

December 17, 2020

I’m glad that Bola bat is going to be moving upstairs.